
Getting Started with Footasylum

Site Info

Footasylum is a known UK retailer which has Dunks and Jordans. They are known for restocking at random times, dropping at 9AM CET and doing special releases during a week once a year.

Footasylum usually only ships to UK due to Nike restrictions


In the Tasks.csv file for Footasylum, the following fields are required to be filled:

  • Profile: You should input your profile name from your profiles.csv

  • Mode: The mode you wish to use. Read the linked paged to know the available modes and when to use them.

  • SKU/URL: Product SKU or Link

  • Sizing: Footasylum supports both RANDOM and specific sizing (UK sizes)

  • Delay: In MS. A delay of around 2000-3000ms is recommended.

  • Payment Method: PayPal and CC are available for Footasylum.

  • Proxies: UK ISP and DC are good, but can get ratelimited pretty fast. Run a big pool of UK residential proxies.

A Tasks.csv template for Footasylum can be seen below:


There are 2 modes for Footasylum. We recommend to run a mix of both.

BE: Backend mode is app checkout flow.

FE: Frontend mode is website checkout flow.

Delay and Proxies

We recommend to run a delay of about 3000ms and a mix of DC and ISP proxies together with Residentials.


We recommedn to run a mix of BE and FE modes to get the optimal performance.

Captcha Solving

We recommend to run a captcha bank instance with a ratio of aproximately 1 thread per 20 tasks, with a delay of 5 seconds.

Common Errors

  • Card Decline: Footasylum can be pretty strict as their payment processor is Stripe and they might require you to use a card which has the same billing address as your shipping address linked to it.

  • Captcha Solving Fail: This issue is probably due to the V3 score that you are getting back from your provider is too low.

Last updated

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