
Getting started with Courir.

Site Info

Courir is a very popular EU retailer that gets lots of stock for most releases. They usually announce their drops via their social media, an drop at 09:00 CET from Tuesday to Thursday. We announce possible drops on the courir drops channels in our Discord server. Courir also restocks leftover pairs at 04:00-05:00 CET in the morning.

Courir has 4 different domains, those being:

  • Courir COM: Ships to France and some EU countries (check manually).

  • Courir BE: Ships only to Belgium.

  • Courir ES: Ships only to Spain.

  • Courir NL: Ships only to the Netherlands.

Each domain has its sepratate stock, so it's best to run a mix of all of them.

Courir is known for disabling COM ship regions other than France on drop, so make sure to have extra addies set up.

Accounts are required in order to run Courir. Read the guide on how to generate them here: Courir Account Generator

When running Courir, bot will use info stored in account, not in profile, unless account is clipped and requires an address change. We also recommend swapping accounts after some time running to avoid bans.


In the Tasks.csv file for Courir, the PROFILE, SKU/PID, SIZE, DELAY, PAYMENT METHOD, PROXIES, EMAIL and PASSWORD columns are needed. Additionally there is now also a TIMER column which you can use in case you want to prepare your tasks early and let them wait for the drop.

  • Profile: You should input your profile name from your profiles.csv

  • MODE: Mode you wish to run. Read the linked page for more info. We will always tell you what mode to run on drops.

  • SKU/PID: The SKU of the product you wish to run. Read the linked page for more info regarding multiple sku and variants.

  • SIZE: Courir supports both RANDOM and specific sizing.

  • Delay: In MS. Recommended delays are around 1500-3000 depending on your setup.

  • Payment Method: The payment method you wish to use. Read the linked page for more info.

  • Proxies: The name of your .txt file. Recommended proxies are good resis.

  • Email: The email of the account that the task will use

  • Password: The password of the account that the task will use

  • Timer: (Optional) A timer to start tasks at a specific time.

  • Discount Code: (Optional) Courir supports the use of discount codes.

A Tasks.csv template for Courir can be seen below. You can also download an example .csv here.


Courir supports both main pid and sizepid. You can find sizepids of all the pairs loaded to drop in the courir pids discord channel.

If you wish to get the sku of a product on Courir, you first need the Url. In this example, we get the sku of this product url:

Simply take the number at the end of the link and you got the sku. In this case it's 1488292

Payment Method

We support all payment methods on courir, those being:

  • CC: Credit Card, we support all card providers either by request or browser handling. If you have any issues with your card provider, please open a ticket in our Discord server.

  • PP: PayPal is also supported on Courir. It will open a browser where you will need to login to your PayPal account and complete your payment. PayPal is usually disabled during drops.

  • iDeal: iDEAL only works on NL region. In order to use IDEAL payment method you need to choose the name of your bank (f.e : Revolut, Bunq, ING...). Supported banks can be found here. This option will send a payment link to your webhook which you can click on and check out using our extension which will be explained later on in this guide.

Neither PayPal or IDEAL are hold for courir, and they can usually cause loans, so we recommend using CC over any other payment method ALWAYS.


We have 2 different modes for Courir, those being:


Normal Mode will either use the Pid or Sku provided in the Tasks.csv file. It's slower than FAST mode but still recommended to run some tasks with, specially for night restocks and when FAST mode is locked.

It is usual for NORMAL mode to get way more bans and have more issues when checking out, that's why you should be running good residential proxies with it.


FAST mode is only unlocked for announced Courir drops, or when something big shockdrops. You can see in our discord server when we unlock it, but it's usually 5-3minutes before drop.

Setting up a task for Fast Mode is exactly the same as setting up for Normal Mode. The only difference between the two is that Fast Mode has a few tweaks added to it which in turn significantly reduces the ban rate on courir and checking out faster.

FAST mode is limited to 50 tasks per instance. You have to ALWAYS stop FAST mode tasks when announced in Discord that the mode is locked. Not doing so will result in your key being revoked.

We announce which mode you should focus on before every possible drop.


You should ideally run all regions on Courir to be able to secure the most stock, as there is no way to know what region will have the most stock beforehand.

Delay and proxies

You should run a delay of around 1000-2500ms for Courir. Be careful as running a delay too low will ban your accounts on checkout way faster, which will make it impossible for you to checkout.

Regarding proxies you should be running good EU Residentials for FAST mode, and lowkey region proxies for NORMAL mode.



You should always run FAST mode for drops unless stated otherwise by the staff team prior to drop. Remeber that FAST mode is unlocked 5-3 minutes before drop.

You need to use the timer feature in order to run correctly for a DROP, by setting the timer to XX:59:55, according to your timezone (Example for CET time: 08:59:55).

1 minute after intial drop, you should remove the timer from your CSV and restart your tasks in order to run for restocks correctly.

We highly recommend to swap the accounts you are running after 15-20 minutes for fresh ones, in order to avoid your accounts being limited at payment.

It is crucial to follow the procedure specified above and any other instructions given by staff before/druing drop in order to ensure maximum success and correct usage of the module.


Common Issues

  • Any Error with 403 - It's Courir anti-bot hitting you, let the bot run or try to run better proxies.

  • Payment Error - OOS - This can be due to either the item just being OOS, or your account being limited at payment (this usually will result in you getting this message while others are checking out).

  • Any Error - Proxy Error - This can either be an issue with your proxies (no data for example), the site being down so it's not returning any response, or running way too many tasks for what your network can handle.

  • Shipping Error - Site Down - This is usually because the Shipping Region you are running is disabled.

  • Shipping Error 302 - This error is due to the account of the task being clipped / region you are running being disabled.

Last updated

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