Getting started with Kickz
SKU - Obtaining a Kickz Pid
MODE - Explaining all modes and EXP modes
Payment Method- All available payment methods and how to run iDEAL
Site Info
Kickz is a popular retailer based in Germany. They usually raffle most hype products, but restock leftovers. Less hyped shoes have sometimes scheduled releases or whole stock shockdropped at a random time.
Kickz is a site where speed is important, and since they usually tend to shockdrop, it is recommended to prerun pids which are suspected to drop, with the usage of our sleep mode.
Kickz supports different billing/shipping
In the Tasks.csv
file for AW-Lab, the following fields are required to be filled in:
Profile: You should input your profile name from your profiles.csv
MODE: The mode you wish to use. Read the linked page to know the available modes and when to use them.
SKU: The SKU of the product you wish to run. You can run both main and sizepid, but it's recommended to run sizepids.
Size: Kickz supports both RANDOM and specific sizing.
Delay: In MS. Minimum delay is 500, but it is recommended to run about 3000-3500ms.
Proxies: ISP and DC are ideal in terms of speed, but they get banned very fast and for a long perdio, so make sure to mix it up with resis and sleep mode.
Discount: (Optional) You can add a DISCOUNT column to your KICKZ csv, if you want to run with a discount.
Payment Method: Payment Method which you wish to run. Find more information on how to run IDEAL on the page linked.
A template for Kickz can be seen below.
If you wish to get the sku of a product on Kickz, you first need the Url. In this example, we get the sku of this product url:
Simply take the number at the end of the link and you got the sku. In this case it's 203429001
. But we always recommend you to use size pids over sku & random sizing setup. Using the sku to retreive the size pids only works if there are any sizes in stock on that product.
Will either use the Pid or Sku provided in the Tasks.csv
file. It's the normal checkout procedure and is recommended to run some tasks on this mode as a backup for PRELOAD mode.
This mode works the same as NORMAL mode but it's preloading all your shipping information. This mode is faster but can cause issues when running for several days non stop. We recommend runnning PRELOAD over NORMAL. This mode is recommended also for scheduled releases.
EXP Modes
These modes are special and include some tweaks to get the most potential out of the modules. EXP modes only get unlocked when something shockdrops or a drop is scheduled. We will notify when they are unlocked in the discord server.
For optimal performance, it is recommended to run Sizepids.
Payment Method
Payment link, input SOFORT in your csv.
Payment link, input your bank name in your csv. (For example for ING, input ING)
Payment link, input MASTERCARD in your csv.
Payment link, input VISA in your csv.
ACO with a backup link it case it fails, input CC in your csv.
Recommended setup
Delay and proxies
You should be running ISP/DC proxies with a delay around 3000-3500ms, for short periods of time. For running for longer periods, run Residentials with the same delay.
SKU Input
It is recommended to run sizepids if available. You can find pids of upcoming/known products in the respective discord channel.
Run a mix of NORMAL and PRELOAD, and their respective EXP modes if they are unlocked.
For scheduled drops, run mostly PRELOAD mode, with some NORMAL tasks, and their respective EXP modes if they are unlocked.
Common Errors
Last updated
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